I thought we may escape the lovely weather that has graced the rest of the country over the past few weeks but woke up to a white out this morning. Looks like all those epoxy repairs are going to have to wait a bit longer. Time to make a sledge me thinks.
Semi restoration of an old 70's single fin for john, old repairs de lams to the bottomand red resin panel re done. Whole board re glossed and polished.
Been a while since the last post as things have been so hectic but with this long winter flat spell and temps well bellow freezing it's time to give the blog some lovin.
First up is a firewire tail snap, the deck skin was intact but the bottom had gone and the balsa rails snapped half way through. After reinforcing the balsa rails the inner glass was fixed and a new HD foam skin vacuumed on. In an ideal world the join near the rear plugs would be tapered towards the tail to spread the load but being on a tight time frame and the need to remove both fin plugs to do this a straightish joint was the only option. The board has been away to some serious waves without any problems so all good. Spider longboard new foam tail section grafted on re glassed and airbrushed.